Victim Services

Great Bay Community College is dedicated to serving victims of crimes within our community. We work closely with campus and community victim advocacy groups, mental health facilities, and community service organizations to provide victims with the resources they need.

Victims’ Bill of Rights


Sexual Assault

Great Bay Community College has established a prescribed procedure to assist and support victims of sexual assaults. The Campus Safety Department, or any faculty or staff member, will assist you in obtaining medical, counseling, and police services.

You are encouraged to report immediately any incidents of this nature to Campus Safety or any faculty or staff member, even if you do not wish to pursue the matter further. Keep in mind that an assailant who is allowed to go free is a potential future danger, not only to you but also to other members of the community.

All information that you give will be held in the strictest confidence in accordance with our own policy as well as by state and federal laws. If you wish to report information concerning sexual assault anonymously, you may do so.

When you report a sexual assault, you may choose to file charges through Law Enforcement or not at all. If you choose to file charges, the Campus Safety Department will assist you in every way, but no action will be taken without your expressed consent.

Every situation will be different. Therefore, we cannot provide any specific rules as to what to do or not to do if you are faced with a threat. Only you can make the determination as to the appropriate course of action.

If you think you are being followed, you can call 911, call out for assistance and run to a lighted building or residence; enlist the assistance of a passerby or flag down a passing vehicle, break a window in a building or residence or pull a fire alarm. Do anything that might attract attention or summon assistance.

If you find yourself confronted by an assailant you must remember that, while screaming and struggling may in some instances frighten off an assailant, in other instances such action may further antagonize an assailant and bring forth a more violent action.

There are many services available to victims of sexual assault, and you are encouraged to use all support services.

Haven (Violence Prevention & Support Services)

Relationship Violence

Abuse can happen to anyone regardless of race, economic status, gender, sexual orientation, or where one lives. People stay in abusive relationships for many reasons including: fear, belief that their abuser needs help and will change, and because they care about the person.

You have rights in a relationship. Relationships should be built on a foundation of respect and should include qualities like honesty, openness, trust, support, and understanding.

What is relationship abuse?

Relationship Abuse can be defined as a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. Abuse is physical, sexual, emotional, economic or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. This includes any behaviors that frighten, intimidate, terrorize, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame, injure or wound someone.

You may be in a physically abusive relationship if your partner has ever:

  • Damaged property when angry (thrown objects, punched walls, kicked doors, etc.);
  • Pushed, slapped, bitten, kicked or strangled you;
  • Abandoned you in a dangerous or unfamiliar place;
  • Scared you by driving recklessly;
  • Used a weapon to threaten or hurt you;
  • Forced you to leave your home;
  • Trapped you in your home or kept you from leaving;
  • Prevented you from calling police or seeking medical attention;
  • Hurt or threatened to hurt someone you care about;
  • Used physical force in sexual situations.

What can I do if I am being abused?

No one deserves to be in an abusive relationship and the abuse is not your fault.
Help is available.

  • If you are in immediate physical danger you can call 911.
  • If you have been injured you can go to the hospital or your doctors to get medical attention;
  • You can tell supportive family and friends what has happened. Friends and family may be able to offer support and resources;
  • You can attend a support group for survivors of relationship abuse;
  • You can create a safety plan for whether you are leaving or staying in the relationship;
  • You can take legal action; for example, applying for a protective order. A protective order is a court order telling your abuser to have no further contact with or you friends and family.

Anonymous Report

Great Bay Community College is concerned about the safety, security, and well-being of everyone on campus. A truly safe campus can only be accomplished through the cooperation of the entire college community, which includes students, faculty, staff and visitors. College community members must assume responsibility for their own personal safety and the security of their personal belongings by taking simple, common sense precautions. Vehicles should always be locked and valuables stored out of sight. Any suspicious individuals or activity should be reported immediately.

GBCC strongly encourages the reporting of crimes, accidents, incidents, and emergencies. The College encourages reporting directly to local authorities in situations where the need is obvious, such as a theft you see taking place or a situation requiring immediate medical attention, etc. Notification of College personnel should take place after the emergency authorities are en route.

Anonymous Report Form